A lot of people are curious what “narrative therapy” is and what it might be like to work with a narrative therapist. Below are five aspects of the narrative worldview that are extremely valuable to my practice with clients. People are not the problem. Problems are problems. Therefore separate people from problems. In our day-to-day lives, […]

this is the time of year in the jewish calendar that is the most profound, a period of ten “High Holy Days” that begin the new jewish calendar year. these days are also called the “days of awe”. basically, there are three steps to these “days of awe”. they are for anyone who is inspired […]

I just listened to this incredible Radiolab show about the power of how we think about things and what we believe. Are you curious about the science of placebos and how you might be able to apply the mystery of these little nuggets to your life? If so, I suggest listening to the first 20-25 […]

i’m always searching for metaphors that help to understand complex aspects of life more succinctly. here is one i keep turning back to: the rhizome. rhizomes grow in the earth. they are a unique kind of root system. if roots were to organize in order to create a more sustainable root system that wasn’t dependent […]